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CodePen uses non-indexable, non-guessable, and non-searchable URLs to ensure adequate safety and security. Coder automatically sets, defends, and controls improvement conditions, allowing developers to concentrate on the outcome. Coder describes each situation as a Docker container constructed from a distributed image. You can configure your scene once, then share it with your unit to decrease […]

Onion Architecture & Simple sample Code Medium

We could create an initialization script, connect to the Docker container while it is running the database server, and execute the script. But this is a lot of manual work, and it is error-prone. To make it straightforward to download the application code and be able to run the application locally we are using Docker. […]

How to Create a Video Streaming Website

Additionally the backend runs on a remote computer known as Server. Some popular web servers used for backend development are Apache HTTP Server, Nginx, and Microsoft IIS. Some popular databases used are MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. They have also included OTP-based playback, Easy to integrate APIs, SDKs and plugins for WordPress, Moodle, etc. The WordPress […]